* 敼媜鍙(xi角ng) 燊(gu芋n)寯
滅賑產薛 馱最產薛 產薛 枍產薛
鼎(y貝ng)(bi芋o)觳ㄩ滅賑產薛 馱最產薛 產薛 枍產薛
追(f芋)華c(di見n)ㄩ碩控 俵鰭 伈碩庈
碩控吽俵鰭庈鰍A產薛衄癹鼠侗ㄗ睿產薛ㄘ翋IㄩARp毀扞蔉醱鞞尨嚃粗恘藗詢^褫趙蔉峙卄勦圉x褫趙lowe埻え喃逋傖蠶堤忮錨忮政(xi角n)癒笭芢堤褫趙邀唌滇產薛褩赽儒﹜梨伈腹蛐﹜粗衲摯(f迄)磁馱脹垓蕞奿婒M(j足n)俴華趙ㄛ翋猁綠僅8mmㄛ(gu貝)跡1650*2000ㄛ1650*2134ㄛ1830*2000﹝詢堬弝埴薛ㄗr坒產薛﹜湮燴坒產薛﹜毞銘紡y產薛﹜躂慶產薛﹜蛨廷租薛﹜菁慶產薛﹜恌垓薛脹ㄘ褫趙﹜騵團騵艦﹜蚗祥伎﹜蕨﹜騵鯆慁豖慁A騵補鵏限h(hu芍n)﹜褫扂漜蠅陑立ㄛ趙綴祥伎祥虮伎ㄛ褫﹜蕼(y迄)滅嫖眻扞滅扞ㄛ蚚芴褫蚚衾遜﹜袤醱﹜(n豕i)俋﹜掖劓忙狩瓴衭b﹜痄嬡殈﹜鰭醱娊﹜遜齌T﹜畟嶄嬡﹜勘鰭﹜そ餫(f言ng)﹜裂娊脹ㄛ偞(sh豕)(j足)餫(f言ng)跡詢脹(f迄)嘉﹜萎捇こ庤ㄛ廣餫(f言ng)跡﹜笢宒模撿﹜|源庈捇摩ㄛ緻侀侞f腔覜紒ㄛ薖撿r奾こ庤ㄛ(j貝ng)萎腕眕笭政(xi角n)﹝U倰產薛ㄗ衱想羞倰產薛ㄘ岆珨意陔倰膘耟(ji谷)夔何w倰第產薛,坳蚕呯產薛睿坒荎仱脹埻蹋秶傖,撿衄粒嫖俶疑﹜路嵿﹜路秞滅婑﹜C(j貝)迮(qi芍ng)僅詢﹜戺橾趙﹜騵嫖桽脹杻c(di見n).婖倰l盟倰,撿衄穻匿﹜ь凅﹜l霜陬r測瑳,甜衄(d迆)杻腔娊虴彆ㄛ奧й假娊源晞,遨磁婖r(ji角)腴,鷂ぱ籵趙す啣產薛磐(ji谷)(g辰u)眈掀,褫蔥腴傖掛20ㄔ‵40ㄔ,p屾釬I(y豕)講30ㄔ‵50ㄔ,甜(ji谷)吽產薛鷂踢棳鼯藪.羞倰產薛跦(j迄)伎﹜俋罠睿(qi芍ng)僅湮祡褫煦橛意ㄩ癩伎奻^(q迂)煦,衄o伎腔睿翍伎腔˙覺篳B(t角i)^(q迂)煦衄す醱腔睿獄巡˙(qi芍ng)僅奻^(q迂)煦衄A緲A鋒(w見ng)腔睿oA緲A鋒(w見ng)腔.羞倰產薛腔汜家(ch見n)源楊衄碧虓芋O熒那脰T楊袚N,筍ぱ梢粒蚚腔岆碧虓.醴ヶ雥犓家(ch見n)腔羞倰產薛湮窒煦岆o伎腔,蝜砑汜家(ch見n)粗伎腔羞倰產薛,硐剒偌(gu貝)隅腔忿H釂拘S埻蹋冞蹅蟥t樓眕啗,妏產薛翍伎歙.樻廎葙漟鐃扞薹麼崝(qi芍ng)羞倰產薛腔娊虴彆,褫粒蚚覦豪碧訒,眕晞婓產薛桶醱熙鼚◆釆y脹燴砑D偶.蕦翍扂蠸併I(y豕)腔湮追(f芋)桯,羞倰產薛H藅諒瘣戟傖何w橠鰷.羞倰產薛褫蚚衾妀﹜絃d﹜桯罜禭﹜闚紱滇脹俋窒傛砃準創笭磐(ji谷)(g辰u)鷂II(y豕)湮d﹜煇鼠湮﹜膘耟昜腔(n豕i)俋,衄轡滇﹜堎鰭﹜蚔蚞喀﹜俋檀脹腔芵嫖挌,眕摯湮醱搪粒嫖敦諳﹜毞敦﹜d嬡﹜鰭荾(h迄)痚撋.婓W粔﹜控藝﹜梇噩偝嗣虃,羞倰產薛眒掩V滓(y貝ng)蚚衾馱I(y豕)鷂鏍蚚膘耟腔к醟﹝迶坒(匋想蛨廷)翋猁蚚衾馱最娊党ㄛ俋﹜(n豕i)式6罍﹜軗檀﹜模撿鰭醱﹜勘鰭﹜掖劓朴馱娊﹜模娊﹜馱娊膘第娊党稛珨K﹝陔倰慒蛢薛婓悵隱產薛埻宎斮(zh足)覜腔肮rㄛ衱眕蕾闚﹜(y身u)捇﹜r奾﹜(j貝ng)壅騵艘脹娊杻伎旮忳諦蠐鯙旆﹝褫V滓(y貝ng)蚚衾弅(n豕i)俋娊ㄛ:掖劓﹜路﹜哱燊(gu芋n)﹜そ餫(f言ng)﹜嬡敦﹜邀唌滇產薛﹜毞豪裂﹜華啣產薛﹜躉曳薛﹜跪宒饜杶﹜こ齪虛嬡醱娊脹脹﹝喜渡褫隅秶ㄛ家(ch見n)こ褫趙ㄛ褫媼棒樓馱ㄛ褫埻え堤忮ㄗ2440?1830mmㄘA緲﹜A﹜A糯產薛褫蚚衾陔r測腔邀唌滇產薛A糯﹜馱最產薛ㄤA糯﹜дA糯﹜畟嶄嬡A糯脹馱最﹝陔奻庈腔捼(di角o)嫖產薛睿u產薛淏婓搫笢ㄛ捼(di角o)嫖產薛睿u產薛(ji谷)夔虐(hu芍n)悵﹜(sh赤)蚚ㄛ羥磁蚚婓邀唌滇﹜そ餫(f言ng)﹜路﹜煇鼠弅污﹜妀﹜嬴虛脹馱娊睿模娊源醱﹝產薛戟ㄗ產薛睿阨儒第斮(zh足)ㄘ褫釬曌眒b﹜嬴虛﹜KTV﹜珗﹜妀﹜D斸^﹜蚔蚞喀湮倰鼠僕膘耟脹黫ㄛ家(ch見n)こ詢脹湮﹜斮(zh足)講儕祔⑴儕﹝諾陑產薛戟岆珨意路秞﹜路寣8檢﹜(ji谷)夔﹜芵嫖謎疑腔準創笭娊第蹋ㄛ蚕K圉矗婓詢媝薰蛗荈瓥氿玷奿徽薛戟腔喜渡﹜湮苤﹜豪荂f伎繉鶷銓炸齟O(sh豕)(j足)桶政(xi角n)﹝甡桽喜渡腔趙褫眕婓模笢偞(sh豕)(j足)堤眻式〥考埮假鞅B鴦(x迄)朴觸薛﹝產薛戟〞※膘耟賜腔苤秷雌§芵嫖祥芵ㄛ暫夔娊諾嶲ㄛ悵聃諾嶲腔粒嫖ㄛ衱夔悵聃螛佌﹝模蚚煇鼠娊党腔廌疑ㄐ產薛戟190*190*95麼氪80翋猁蚚衾產薛躉糸﹜(n豕i)﹜そ餫(f言ng)﹜路鉞馱娊娊党﹝蔉鞞產薛ㄗ衱想ㄩ藹蔉產薛﹜蔉醱產薛﹜蔉醱鞞尨蔉ㄘ岆蚚慮譙棠諷R扞楊秶傖腔圉毀產薛﹜む婓褫疏僇縳郋繺騵號熆岒c毀扞薹﹝蔉鞞產薛褫蜇翍衾祥肮腔鞞尨偞(sh豕)鞁ㄛ妏鞞尨偞(sh豕)銙坌F(xi角n)蔉醱虴彆ㄛ肮r祥荌鞞尨虴彆﹝蔉鞞產薛煦朣棞芶c賡斮(zh足)倰ㄛ踢棞芛棟鞃妐詢ㄛ蔉醱虴彆載疑﹝賡斮(zh足)倰芵綎薹載詢ㄛそ躉載ь朐ㄛй褫(y貝ng)蚚衾茦類そ偞(sh豕)銦蔉鞞產薛褫(y貝ng)蚚衾(sh迄)徨奪鞞尨ん﹜忒C(j貝)そ躉﹜嚶鞞尨そ﹜そ躉﹜LED﹜ELD﹜赽眕摯赽蘋阨﹜珘儒鞞尨んㄗLCDㄘ﹜煢(n車ng)I(y豕)汜家(ch見n)闚炵追(f芋)嫖圉(d見o)闚鞞尨んㄗOLEDㄘ﹜脹祥肮鞞尨炵緙(t辛ng)腔桶醱譯(sh赤)政(xi角n)蔉醱鞞尨虴彆﹝誏忮(li芍n)篌(lu辰)源宒ㄩ18233072098ㄗ峚陓肮ㄘ(li芍n)炵ㄩ18233072098〞〞婩杳ebei province xingtai south China glass co.,LTD.(and glass)main:AR minus reflection mirror show dazzle colour one-way perspective can be toughened glass holographic projection offline can be toughened lowe glass enough wholesale and retail are carried out can be toughened glass shower room ion plating,ice crystal sand sculpture,colored glaze and composite process all can undertake different toughened,main thickness of 8 mm,1650*2000165*2134183*2000 specifications.High temperature colored glaze glass(rocks glass,marble,natural stone,glass,wood,glass,crystal glass melting,background,monochrome,glass,etc.)can be toughened,scraping wear-resisting,never discoloration resistance,scratch resistance,resistance to wet heat resistant acid and alkali resistant dry-wet circulation,can be arbitrary cutting edge grinding,toughened don't change color fastness,after hot bending,resistance to ultraviolet radiation protection,USES can be used for cabinets,desktop,external walls,background wall,home decoration,move the door waist line,mesa adornment,cabinet door,closet door,bar,screen,ceiling decoration and so on,restoring ancient ways design style luxury,elegant taste,contracted style,Chinese style furniture,dongfang set,Give a person dignified feeling,quite fashionable savour,let classic be able to reproduce.U(also known as slot type glass)is a new type of building energy-saving wall material of glass,it is made from raw materials such as glass and quartz sand,has good daylighting sex,prevent and heat insulation,sound insulation,high mechanical strength,ageing resistance,light,etc.With banners,a tall,handsome,line is fluent era flavor,and has a unique decorative effect,and convenient installation,low comprehensive cost,compared with ordinary steel plate glass structure,can reduce the cost by 20%~40%,30%~50%,and to reduce the amount of assignment and save consumption of glass and metal.Trough type glass according to color,appearance and strength can be roughly divided into three types:Distinguished by color,having colorless and tinted;colorless.Distinguished between flat and embossed from surface states;From intensity to distinguish a wired network and wire clip to the net.Trough type glass production methods have a rolling method,rolling method and several kinds of casting method,but the rolling method is widely accepted.The current foreign production slot type is mostly colorless glass,the glass,if you want to be in the production of color groove just according to the prescribed dose will stir colorants with raw materials into the glass furnace,glass color evenly.To increase the rate of diffusion of light or enhance the trough type glass adornment effect,still can use hand-cut rolling roller,so that the ideal pattern glass surface pressure out of the small decorative pattern etc.With the great development of construction industry in our country,trough type glass will gradually replace the brick wall to advocate material.Trough type Glass can be used in stores,restaurants,galleries,gym and other external vertical bearing structure and business hall,office building,the external walls of buildings,and greenhouses,platform,such as swimming pool,verandah of pervious to light roofs,and large area lighting Windows,skylights,hall door,balcony guardrail plate,etc.In Europe,North America,Japan and many other countries,trough type glass has been widely applied in industrial and civil building construction.Jade(commonly known as molten crystal)is mainly used for engineering decoration,external wall,internal wall,ceiling,corridor,furniture table,bar,background wall and other tooling,home decoration,tooling building materials decoration this piece.While retaining the original texture of glass,the new hot-melt glass is popular with customers and friends for its three-dimensional,elegant,fashionable and durable decorative features.Can be widely used in indoor and outdoor decoration,such as:background,partition,porch,screen,doors and Windows,shower room glass,ceiling ceiling,floor glass,curtain wall glass,all kinds of matching,brand shop facade decoration and so on.The size can be customized,the product can be tempered,can be processed twice,and can be sold on the original piece(2440?1830mm)Silk clip,silk clip,laminated glass can be used in the new era of the shower room glass clip,project glass walkway,stair clip,wardrobe door clip and other projects.The newly listed dimming glass and gradually changing glass are hot to buy,dimming glass and gradually changing glass energy-saving,environmental protection,practical,suitable for use in shower room,screen,partition,office wall,shopping malls,hotels and other fixtures and home decoration.Glass brick(glass and crystal material)can be used as home decoration,hotel,KTV,night,shopping mall,library,swimming pool large public buildings and other places,high-end atmosphere,quality excellence.Hollow vitreous brick is a kind of sound insulation,adiabatic,waterproof,energy-saving,pervious to light good blame bear adornment material,by two half billet is fusing below high temperature and become,can do different design expression according to the dimension of vitreous brick,size,pattern,color.According to dimensional change can design the glass wall that gives straight wall,curve wall and discontinuous wall in the home.Vitreous brick--"the elf of architectural bound"pervious to light does not show a person,can decorate a space already,assure the daylighting of the space,can assure privacy again.Home office decoration first choice!Glass brick 190*190*95 or 80 mainly used for glass curtain wall,internal wall,screen,partition and other tooling decoration.Mirror display glass(also known as magic mirror glass,mirror TV glass,mirror display mirror)is a nanoscale magnetron sputtering method of semi-reflective glass,which has uniform transmittance and reflectivity in the visible band.The mirror display glass can be attached to different display equipment to make the display equipment present mirror effect without affecting the display effect.Mirror display glass is divided into metal type and medium type,metal type reflectivity is higher,mirror effect is better.Dielectric type has higher transmittance,clearer screen,and can be used in touch screen devices.Mirror display glass can be used in digital tube display,mobile phone screen,computer display,TV screen,LED,ELD,electronic paper and electronic ink,liquid crystal display(LCD),organic light-emitting semiconductor display(OLED),and other surfaces of different display systems to achieve mirror display effect.Sales hotline:18233072098(same as WeChat)Contact number:18233072098--zhang xiaonan